The EasyH10 project distributes stable releases at the
- EasyH10 [Win32 GUI] is a special version for Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP users. Choose between a zipped archive (without a setup program) or a self-installing distribution:
- A simple, zipped archive that you can place anyware you like. (Use for quick deployment; if you dislike self-installing modules)
- easyh10-x.y_win32gui_setup.exe: A self-installing distribution that will install EasyH10 into "[root]\Program Files\EasyH10".
- EasyH10 [Cocoa GUI] is a special version for Mac OS users. Download a DMG package (*.dmg) in the distribution list.
- EasyH10 [CUI]: A multi-platform version with a CUI (Command Line User Interface) interface. Build your own binary from the source code on various operating systems.
Precompiled binary for the Windows platform (EasyH10 [Win32 CUI]) is also available.
- EasyH10 [CUI] Debian packages are available. They are maintained by Benjamin Seidenberg.
- EasyH10 [CUI] Ebuilds for Gentoo Linux are available. They are maintained by Thomas Kear.
- EasyH10 [CUI] NetBSD packages are available. They are maintained by Geert Hendrickx.
- The complete source code via anonymous CVS access.
EasyH10 [Win32 GUI] was translated into a number of languages, courtesy of the following contributors:
Language | LID | Progress | Contributor | Contact address |
English | (9) | 100% | Tim Weston | |
Germany | 7 | 100% | Oliver Schmidt | easyH10 at halle-bueschdorf, de |
Spanish | 10 | 100% | Guillermo López Leal | willyaranda at gmail, com |
French | 12 | 100% | Simon Auger | simon.auger at gmail, com |
Hebrew | 13 | 100% | Ariel Karlinsky | karlinsky at gmail, com |
Italian | 16 | 80% | klima | klima at email, it |
Japanese | 17 | 100% | Nyaochi | nyaochi at nyaochi, sakura, ne, jp |
Korean | 18 | 80% | 1121 at MisticRiver | PM to 1121 at MisticRiver |
Dutch | 19 | 100% | Gijs Visser | |
Norwegian | 20 | 100% | Kristian F. Schmidt | kristian at kvarteret, no |
Polish | 21 | 100% | Wojciech Litwin | lit at all, pl |
Swedish | 29 | 80% | Tim Ragnwald | tim88 at hotmail, com |
Turkish | 31 | 80% | Abdurrahman Sisman | |
Simplified Chinese | 2052 | 100% | genexk | genexk at gmail, com |
If you are happy to translate EasyH10 into your language, please check this thread.
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Nyaochi. (last update: 2006/09/28 18:50:15 )