
The EasyH10 project distributes stable releases at the

EasyH10 [Win32 GUI] Translations

List of contributors

EasyH10 [Win32 GUI] was translated into a number of languages, courtesy of the following contributors:

LanguageLIDProgressContributorContact address
English(9)100%Tim Weston
Germany7100%Oliver SchmidteasyH10 at halle-bueschdorf, de
Spanish10100%Guillermo López Lealwillyaranda at gmail, com
French12100%Simon Augersimon.auger at gmail, com
Hebrew13100%Ariel Karlinskykarlinsky at gmail, com
Italian1680%klimaklima at email, it
Japanese17100%Nyaochinyaochi at nyaochi, sakura, ne, jp
Korean1880%1121 at MisticRiverPM to 1121 at MisticRiver
Dutch19100%Gijs Visser
Norwegian20100%Kristian F. Schmidtkristian at kvarteret, no
Polish21100%Wojciech Litwinlit at all, pl
Swedish2980%Tim Ragnwaldtim88 at hotmail, com
Turkish3180%Abdurrahman Sisman
Simplified Chinese2052100%genexkgenexk at gmail, com

If you are happy to translate EasyH10 into your language, please check this thread. LogoValid XHTML 1.0!